Know The Use And Regulation Of Microbial Pesticides

Microbial pesticides are a group of pesticides that are composed of naturally occurring viruses, fungi, or bacteria. Microbial pesticides are usually known for targeting a specific pest. However, there are different types of microbial insecticides used to eliminate different types of pest. Microbial pests are low cost effective in concern to the research & development process. Microbial pesticides are less toxic then chemical-based pesticides due to the presence of natural composition of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Get Sample PDF microbial pesticide The microbial pesticide market is projected to grow in the forecast period due to the implementation of new farming practices. The growing demand for a better quality of food and food health and growing regulations on growing residual limits have boosted the growth of the microbial pesticide market. However, the low awareness of consumers regarding organic pesticides and fertilizers might restrict the growth of the microbial pestic...